Monday 12 January 2015

The significance of one single word!

In key stage one assembly today, we took the time to consider some of the key words in the 1 Corinthians passage.

The most obvious word is of course love and we reminded ourselves of what this might mean in practice, which led us to think about the significance of the word 'is'!

Paul paints a wonderful picture of love in 1 Corinthians that clearly points us in the right direction when trying to understand what love is. The significance of the word 'is' lies in the fact that it makes the connection between a vague concept of what love might be and what it looks like in practice.

We talked about the fact that love is not just a passive emotion, it is something that takes action and so the challenge at the end of the assembly was to reflect at the end of the day on how we had put the 'is' word into action. How had we demonstrated love to each other, not through emotion, but in practical action?

For love is kind, love is patient, love is shown in our every day interactions with other people. May the power of the word 'is' be seen in our everyday relationships and be evident in our life as a school.