Wednesday 14 January 2015

Diversity and perseverance

A testimony to the fact that diversity is a wonderful thing, is the way in which every classroom is different. Different interpretations, different ways of approaching things, all of which make teaching, a unique and rewarding profession. 
It is also diversity that enriches our school environment on a day to day basis and makes our community the vibrant and welcoming place that it is. We see this in the range of cultures and backgrounds that our children come from and we see it in the way they merge to become one school community.
In assemblies in the past we have considered that the wonder of a rainbow is to be found in it's amazing spectrum of colours. One has to acknowledge that the impact of a rainbow in the sky, wouldn't be the same if it was just one colour!
During our remembeance week we held our traditional one minute silence in the school playground. As the bugle sounded to bring this to an end a rainbow broke out across the rooftops of the school. A celebration of diversity and the wonder of God's creation, which diversity is at the heart of. 
Nelson Mandela once spoke about the concept of a rainbow nation and the love that Paul talks about in Corinthians embraces this diversity at its core. There are no prerequisites for this love, no barriers, no conditions, no judgements, just love.
In the light of the events in Paris this week, it is clear that we need to see more of this love that embraces diversity and a diversity that embraces love. Something worth persevering for!