Friday 16 January 2015

Forest school development

So what is the Forest School approach  all about ? 

Well the philosophy is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through an innovative, long term, educational approach to outdoor play and learning in a woodland environment. 

We are very fortunate at St John's to have wonderful school grounds that include a nature trail, woodland areas and plenty of open space and it is for this reason that we have embraced the concept of Forest Schools this year. We have also made a number of changes to our nature areas and we are currently working on developing a more robust access route to the main wooded area.

The Forest school approach has been a fantastic hit with all the children that have taken part so far and we are grateful for the financial commitment that the school's PTFA provided to allow this to take place. 

We are currently looking to embed this into our curriculum to provide this opportunity for years to come and at the same time are carrying out a review of the other nature areas that we have in school. 

All of which will provide more opportunities for engaging with our local environment!