Thursday 22 January 2015

Be the light!

Yesterday in our KS1 assembly we considered the way in which love can be demonstrated through patience. We thought about all the ways we can sometimes react when we have to show patience when waiting. The children’s re-enactment of some of these certainly made us laugh, although serious, their stamping, complaining, finger wagging and hand on hip stances certainly brought home the reality of some of the ways we might react!

We also considered that the most perfect example of patience is to be found in God. As we explored this a little further, we reflected on what God is also like in other ways and what difference this makes in our lives. 

My favourite was a reflection on the fact that God’s love and forgiveness feels like a ray of sunshine shining inside us. A wonderful warm feeling to take away at the end of our assembly.

Our final act was to give out candles to each class to take back to their rooms with the challenge to use these as visual prompts  to consider how they might be more patient and share God’s love with each other. May that light shine in our classrooms every day.