As part of our theme on service we have been thinking this week about Jesus' call to love our neighbour and his response to Peter's question - who is my neighbour?
In Key Stage 1 on Monday, we thought about how sometimes we choose to be kind or friendly to people based on the way they look - we had some great fun looking at different faces and thinking about whether or not we would like someone! We then considered the story of the good Samaritan and how he helped the injured traveller. The Samaritan being the one person the injured traveller would most likely have shunned (and maybe the Samaritan even knew that when he chose to help him) and yet it was that person who demonstrated the call to love your neighbour.
We have also taken some time to think about the difference between liking someone and responding to them in a way that demonstrates respect and love. Someone once said that to love someone you don't need to like them - interesting that we tend to associate love at times with an emotion and not an action.
Our reflections helped us to remember that God made us all to be the same and that he calls us to show love to each other, irrespective of what we look like, where we are from, what football team we support or what hairstyle we are sporting that day! We also thought about the fact that love is actually a very practical thing that is rooted in our actions and our language - respect, listening, valuing, smiling at someone, helping out. All of these make a difference and help us to love our neighbour!