Monday 8 June 2015

Be bold, be strong for the Lord your God is with you

This week we begin a new assembly theme on Courage. This will be our last one this academic term and we have specifically picked this due to the fact that the end of every academic year sees children move on to new schools but also to new classes and new teachers. Change is a part of life and it always involves leaving something behind and embracing something new.

Our key verse for this theme will be Joshua 1:9. This is set in the context of God leading Joshua and the Israelites to a new place. They are concerned and anxious, whilst at the same time expectant and hopeful. God speaks to them and reminds them of His presence with them, that he is with them in everything and that they can be confident in His love and guidance. 

God commands them to be strong, courageous and not to be afraid or discouraged because he will be with them where ever they go.

As we look towards the end of this academic year we are mindful of how God has been with us in all that we have done and achieved and as such we can be confident that he will also be with each individual where ever they are next year.