Tuesday 16 June 2015

A baby in the bulrushes

Monday's KS1 assembly started with a Head Teacher holding a baby and trying to sing it to sleep with the classic song 'the animals went in two by two' ! Lots of personal memories came flooding back to me in that piece of acting!

Not a real baby of course, but it certainly entertained the children and allowed us to begin to think about the next part of our theme on COURAGE.

The story of Moses' discovery in the bulrushes and his adoption by the Pharaoh's daughter is a very famous bible story, captured so well in the film ' The Prince of Egypt'. But it is also a story of great courage and confidence in God, as demonstrated by Moses' mother.

Of course, I'm sure she never realised, or thought that he would turn out to be a great leader of Israel who would actually challenge the household he was brought up in. But her faith in God's provision for her child, was used by God to bring His people out of slavery.

Faith is at times quite scary, especially when we face something new or unknown, but we do so in the knowledge that God is with us and that he can always see a bigger picture than we can.

Our assembly song reminded us of the fact that God is real and present in our lives and the last time we repeated it, it was so loud I think the whole school will have heard us proclaim that God is not dead, but well and truly alive!

God's not dead - No He is alive
God's not dead - No, He is alive
God's not dead - No , He is alive
He is alive in me
Feel Him in my heart
Feel Him in my feet
Feel Him in my soul
Feel Him all over me

An old, classic song, but one that can still be performed with enthusiasm!