Sharing peace is something that can be done in so many ways. The prayer of St Francis of Assisi that we considered last week, gives us many practical ways in which we can be peace makers. It would seem that at times we see peace as something that is about relationships between countries and warring nations. But St Francis seems to see it as something that everyone can be involved in, that our individual decisions and actions can bring peace or bring division. That if we focus on the small things, big things can happen. A few months ago we focused on 'random acts of kindness' as a school, St Francis challenges us not to be random but to be consistent. That surely is one way to bring peace?
As we move towards harvest festival time, we will be considering as a school how our actions can make a difference in other people's lives by sharing what we have. For those on the receiving end of this generosity, the receiving of such a gift is one practical way that peace in some form can be brought into other people's lives.