Friday 4 December 2015

Traveling together

This week we continued our Advent theme by looking at the concept of journeys. All journeys start somewhere and the Christmas story is full of unexpected starting points.
The one thing that is important about journeys is who we travel with, travelling alone can be peaceful for a while, especially if you are used to having a car full of children! But really the only way to travel is to travel together. For us as a school this is exactly what the next few weeks are about as we explore the Christmas story together in so many different ways.

Next week we will witness the fun and creativity of our KS1 production in school, this is always an event full of ‘awe and wonder’! The classes are working very hard on their contributions and the school has definitely taken on a very festive feel – even the Christmas tree has arrived today and will soon take pride of place in the main school hall.

At the same time KS2 are beginning their preparations for their Christmas production over at Church the following week. This again is a very special event in the school calendar, the mixture of drama, music and costumes, within the setting of the church, is something that always leaves a very special impression on everyone involved and who attend.

Of course there will also be the Christmas lunch, the celebration of Christingles and parties to look forward to. All of which fuel the growing excitement that the journey towards Christmas brings. All this will end with our final whole school assembly at 2:0pm on the Friday which parents and carers are invited to join us for.
We hope that you are able to join us on this journey and that you will enjoy the travelling together that this involves.