Wednesday 9 December 2015

Things to remember

As we have been traveling to Christmas through the season of Advent we have been remembering some of the key messages that we have focused on in our assemblies this Autumn term.

These are displayed around the school, as a visual reminder and it is interesting how the children talk about them. 

Last week I had the opportunity to talk to children from across the school about what they enjoyed about our assemblies and why they were important to us as a school. They clearly remain one of the highlights of their time in school. 

Not only were they enthusiastic in talking about the creative ways in which we consider things together at these times, they  also talked enthusiastically about how important it was for them to take the time to stop, think and pray.

Remembering is something they talked about a lot, but also how these times help them to understand more about God's love and how we are to love each other and how important it is to thank God for all that we have.

A key theme that they talked about was light. Lighting candles in assembly to help us think, but also how important the Lighthouse is and that its purpose is to shine to help other people, just as we are to shine to make a difference too. Something certainly worth remembering.