Friday 15 May 2015

Ascension day service

Yesterday in church we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus into heaven and thought about the fact that Jesus is still with us in our everyday lives. We also considered the day to day impact of  the gift of His Holy Spirit and how this makes a difference in our relationship with God and with each other.


The illustration used to demonstrate the Ascension was quite original! I am not sure that I have ever seen a picture of Jesus stuck to a STOMP rocket and then fired up into the church ceiling!  It certainly will be a lasting memory and one that the children will undoubtedly be talking about at home today.


It was also great to have members of our brass group playing at the start and end of the services, as well as having readings and prayers from our year 1 and year 2 classes and year 5.  As ever the contribution of the children makes our services very special indeed.