Friday, 15 July 2016

Final assemblies

Yesterday we said goodbye to our year 5 and year 6 leavers in two different forms of assemblies.

Our morning focused on our year 5 leavers and our evening celebrated the achievements of our year 6 leavers.

It was great to reflect on the jounrney that both these sets of children have made through our school and to join with their parents to celebrate all that they have achieved and shared with us.

The year 6 celebrations included a dramatic presentation of  Let Loose - a hilarious reflection on school residential trips. The children have worked really hard over the past few weeks with the staff to bring this together. Their acting, singing and enthusiasm was brilliant and we all had a wonderful evening.

As part of our goodbyes, each child is presented with a bible for them to take with them. A reminder that God is with them as they start their new journey. In addition, they all recieve a class photo and for our year 6 children we create a photo book of all their friends for them to take with them.

A very emotional but memorable day!

Today they all become authograph hunters, seekingout friends to sign their school shirt and books. Its a manic day, but it will no doubt produce many new memories.