Friday, 8 July 2016

A rainbow community

A time to celebrate and reflect.

This week as part of our assembly theme we have been focusing on the things that we would wish to celebrate, that have been part of our journey this year. Taking the time to stop and think and mark something special is very important and in KS1 assembly on Monday we considered the story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. It's a great story of God calling one man to follow his desire to make a difference by returning from exile and organising the people to restore the walls of Jerusalem. The rebuilding of the walls was a very challenging undertaking but it was achieved in 52 days. 

Once complete, Nehemiah gathered all the people together to celebrate their achievement, it was one great party!

As we look back over this school year there are many things to celebrate, success and personal achievements right across the curriculum and beyond. For some, these final weeks will be their last at St John's and for those children the reflecting will cover a far greater time span. Stopping to reflect and to celebrate is a very important part of our school life. We do this every Friday in assembly when we celebrate individual and team success. The pride and joy that this brings is really important and it is a key part of establishing individual confidence.

This Celebration though is not only about success in terms of individual achievement it is also done within the context of who we are as a school community. Part of the celebration of the people of Israel was that the rebuilding of the wall, reinstated their identity, their sense of belonging and their sense of pride in their community. It was a corporate and community celebration of what was important to them.

This celebration of identity and community is in complete contrast to the number of incidents that have happened across the country and even outside our school this week. Such incidents do not celebrate diversity, instead they seek to undermine it. Racial intolerance is not part of the community that we all believe in and is not part of the diversity and culture that brings something so special to the life of St John's and the city of Leicester. Our celebration is about the fact that diversity is at the heart of what makes us special, it is as Nelson Mandela once said the heart beat of what makes a 'rainbow nation' so beautiful. 

As we draw to the end of this summer term, may we take the time to reflect and celebrate, but also to remember together what we value as a school and wider community. Over the next few weeks let us be thankful for and celebrate together, our rainbow community!