Wednesday 6 December 2017

The architect's group continues

We've had one trip out and two successful meetings of our new Architect Group.
After our trip to see an architect's office, our first meeting was focused on the process of design. The children thought about how designers had come up with innovative ways to solve problems within a project and how to take advantage of space and light within a site.

This week, we put what we'd learnt to good use: visiting the gardens of the Church; spotting problems with the site; and thinking about how we could solve them.

The children were eager have their first go at a 'proper architect job' and filled their plans of the site with ways to improve it. These ideas ranged from the simple but effective (more benches around the gardens) to the more ambitious (an extra bus stop outside the Church resulting in a change of a good number of bus routes).

We discussed the innovative ways we could solve the problems we noticed on the site and saw that there could often be many different solutions to a problem when it comes to designing.

During the weeks after the Christmas holidays, the group will get the chance to represent their ideas in drawings, using computer software and even in Lego! This will all result in their ideas contributing the redesigning of the gardens and benefiting the Church, school and wider community.