Wednesday 15 April 2015

Who do you think it is?

Yesterday in assembly we considered the Biblical retelling of Mary's experience of meeting the risen Jesus in the garden on the first Easter Sunday. Initially she mistook Jesus for the Gardner and pleaded with him to tell her where he had taken the body of Jesus. The realisation in her voice at the sound of her name, broke through her dismay and left her in awe. Raising her head she looked straight at Jesus and identified him as the one that she had followed and seen die only a few days earlier.

Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic,“ Rabboni !” (which means “Teacher”).

Our assembly used the wonders of the iPad Photobooth Application. A few carefully chosen photo's of staff taken with this entertaining and face changing application certainly created laughter and much discussion. All were identified correctly and reinforced the fact that if we truly know someone, it is hard not to accurately identify them! Even if we are distraught and confused by the life changing events that Mary had endured over the past few days. 

Our closing song reminded us of God's great love for us and the opportunity for practicing our 'air guitars' was not missed.
Looks like this Friday we will be needing to get our plastic guitars out to add even more fun to the actions.