Our new FS2 mud kitchen. It's not just about fun!
Cognitive Strategies. Joint Planning. Children working together to come up with a plan. So plenty of Negotiation! Joint discussions that lead to an agreed end result . Problem Solving - taking time to think together or alone to solve a problem or issue. Goal Seeking - Children will work individually or in collaboration to seek and end result. Emotion - Children can explore a range of emotions in a safe and supported environment. Cognition - Children acquire new knowledge through language, interaction and experience. Language - Children can extend their range of vocabulary as well as mechanisms for using and expressing language.
Sensory Motor Actions - Children make sense of the world through their senses and physical actions. Abstract Thinking - Thinking about the world around them in a different way. For good abstract thinking, children need to be able to use and apply their prior knowledge uniquely.
If anyone has any real kitchen utensils, old pans, etc.
that are not breakable or sharp please bring them to FS2. Thank you!