The Easter story is a roller coaster of a ride for Peter, he is initially brave and bold; then reduced to denial and tears and finally restored to belief and confidence.
The difference between Peter in the last few chapters of the Gospels and the opening chapters of the Book of Acts is incredible. Peter goes from a man who is in hiding, fearful for his life, to one who stands up in front of a large crowd and proclaims the resurrection of Christ.
In our KS1 assembly on Monday we reminded ourselves of the difference that the resurrection made to Peter, by putting actions to some of the characteristics that he exhibited when he first met Jesus; on Good Friday itself and then after the resurrection.
When I met Jesus I was
Brave, bold, confident and strong
When I denied Jesus I was
Afraid, scared, tearful and lost
When I met the risen Jesus
Forgiven, hopeful, inspired and loved
The rest of this week we will be considering how the Resurrection can change our lives and how its key messages of love and forgiveness can make a difference for those we love and care for.